
In 2004, the Upper Peninsula was awarded a 2.6 million dollar Healthy Communities Access Program (HCAP) federal grant to develop its access to care programs. This funding allowed the Dickinson-Iron MCAC and agencies like it to provide medical services to our friends and neighbors in a dignified and professional manner. We were also able to bolster our resources and increase the provisions of the programs. We ran a volunteer program for uninsured residents of the area that were under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level income guidelines and met other criteria for the program. We ran this program successfully with great partnerships with the Dickinson County Hospital and NorthStar Health System in Iron County. They both donated hospital services and staff time to our mission to help our communities get healthy. Many other medical clinics and doctors in private practice also donated their time to patients that qualified for the DIMCAC program. Without their time, talent and efforts we would not have been such a great success.
In 2014, DIMCAC became a central community resource where citizens of Michigan could seek assistance with enrolling into various programs such as the Federal Marketplace, Medicaid and Healthy Michigan.